Image search results - "climate" |

An Inconvenient Truth hits Box Office

Live Earth - Party like Al Gore!

Polar Bear and Arctic oil Exploration

Wind Energy Cartoon

Jair Bolsonero burns Amazonas

Coal, George W. Bush and Santa Claus

Reliable source for climate science

Intelligent Design - President Bush

Intensive "Who cares?" unit and Climate Problems

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney solving Global Climate Problems

Hare and public transportation

Bus - public transportation

Carbon bubble trouble and coal divestment

Santa and Arctic oil and Black Christmas

Santa and melting Arctic Ice

Santa and bioenergy

Climate strike - Greta Thunberg

Hare - snow shoes and global warming

Global warming - more research before action

Food and climate change

ExxonMobil behind the climate sceptics

ExxonMobil behind the climate sceptics

Forests as carbon sink

Climate change deniers credit card

Hare, tortoise and eco efficiency

Hare, tortoise and eco efficiency

Flying is bad for the climate

Nuclear Doping

Be cool - Save electricity

Saving energy

Solar panel discussion

Biogas and economy

Biogas for cars

Home as a power plant

Rigs Arctic Café - Shell drilling Arctic oil

Ethical investor and energy sources

EU elections 2024 – all is at stake!

Global threats for migrating fish

Global threats for migrating fish

Fossil energy policy

Fossil fuel - Biogas

G8 & CO2 - climate emissions

Global warming sceptics - door-to-door peddlers

Indigenous local plants are resilient

Planetary health care unit

Moose and traffic jam

Alimentos agua y humedales

Be cool!

Global warming - more fossil energy - more heat

Snow men in the artificial skiing tube

Global warming

After US The Flood!

Johannesburg Summit 2002

Summer in a winter wonderland

Arctic Fox loves icecaps - Seasons's Greetings

Climate minister devouring the climate law

Kyoto protocol, snow and Santa Claus

Traffic and distance work

Clown cycles in the traffic jam

How to hide climate emissions from forestry

Traffic, Eco-efficiency and MIPS

Sustainable development ahead!

Muscle Boat of the Future

Toxic algae - climate change and nutrients

Skier and hare and stoat yearn for snow

Finland and nuclear doping

Mother and baby orangutan hitch hiking - Clearcut rainforest

Fox cycles in forest

Bat pangolin biodiversity and the pandemic Pandora's box

Perfect use of peat

Some dry facts of wetlands

Wetland is a water bank - in Greek

Wetland is a water bank

Humedal - Banco del Agua

Ramsar - La Banque H2O

Tar pit fossils - Harper and Obama

River Rescue – Intensive Care Unit

Seal the real climate deal!

Finnish peat industry found a new way to destroy peat bogs

The day after tomorrow

Donald Trump Rex Tillerson and Paris Agreement

Finnish Minister tries to prove that peat is a renewable biofuel

Tu valu or not Tu valu - that is the question

Baltic Sea - climate change & pollution

Eider in the Baltic Sea is lika a carany in the coal mine

The bladder wrack - a key species of the Baltic Sea

Climate - company car versus company bike

Environmentally friendly forms of travel

Peat burning and school climate strike

Food water and wetlands

Des aliments, de l'eau et des zones humides