Image search results - "migration" |

Älvräddarna – River Saver's Association

World Migratory Bird Day

Osprey wintering in Africa

Hen Harrier kite and glider


Culvert - a river runs trhough it - fish don't

We fish you a Happy New Year!

Migrating fish and dam removal

Liberté - Egalité - Dam Removalité!

Easter bunnies like wild rivers

Global threats for migrating fish

Brown trout dreaming in a creek

Education - school of fish

Fish migration - eel and trout

Fish migration - nature-like fish passage

Migrating fish and a free running river

Global threats for migrating fish

Hydro power companies politicians and water law

Salmon run

Dam removal swimway and fish passages

Dam removal swimway and fish passages

Happy migratory fish vs dam

Valentine trout

Dam removal - Rainbow trout

Caddis and The Gang - I

Salmon and freshwater pearl mussel

The Lesser White-Fronted Greece Wedding

Crane and nature quide - where is south

We love river restoration

Migratory birds and the important bird areas

Robin can detect the magnetic fields

Hazel grouse - common redstart and migration

Trout and freshwater pearl mussel reproduction

River Rescue – Intensive Care Unit

River restoration

The biggest & fastest dam removal in Finland

The era of dam building is over!

Old Growth Forest under construction

Save the EU water law

Water framework directive in danger