Image search results - "waste" |

Batteryman finds poisonous coin-cell battery

Soil protection

Demolition or renovation of old buildings

Compact packaging – less waste

Ecological Rucksack of the golden ring

Finnish top politicians and russian nuclear power

Biogas and economy

Finnish taxpayers money in Russian nuclear power plant

Do not mix acid and alkali, please!

Drytoilet - Swift relief for a poor water supply

Inventing a reusable mug

Baltic Sea - Live clean

Baltic Sea - Eat clean

Waste reduction

Waste survey

Waste stream

Father and son - how wastes are born

Cabbage garden and garbage garden – chemical contamination

Time to go to the recycling centre

Volverine and biowaste

Composting toilet queue

Baltic Sea – toast for protection of seas

Safe drinking water from well

State of waters – boy and frog

Sewage from water closet into lake

Resident talks to municipal authority about sanitation

Returnable bottle is best

Hazardous waste education

Producer's Responsibility

Wood preservatives - Soil contamination

Earth friendly hospital

Waste Package from TV-Shop

Cloth diaper versus disposable diaper

Swan and water closet at summer house

Santa brings dirty gold ring as present

Say no to disposables

Neglected old landfill

Active waste counselling

Landfill gas extraction from closed landfill

Rook composting biowaste

Rook collects scrap metal

Mount Landfill

Hazardous waste – battery collection

Poisonous battery in many familiar appliances

Rook and hazardous waste

Batteryman and battery with no heavy metals

Plastic trash in the sea is hard to swallow

Waste container is too heavy

Waste prevention

Surfing Landfill

Nuclear waste and future generations