An Inconvenient Truth hits Box Office
Live Earth - Party like Al Gore!
Coal, George W. Bush and Santa Claus
Reliable source for climate science
George Bush - the green house effect - 1992
Intensive "Who cares?" unit and Climate Problems
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney solving Global Climate Problems
Carbon bubble trouble and coal divestment
Santa and Arctic oil and Black Christmas
Santa and melting Arctic Ice
Santa and bioenergy
Suomi ja Pariisin ympäristökokous
Climate strike - Greta Thunberg
Hare - snow shoes and global warming
Global warming - more research before action
Food and climate change
ExxonMobil behind the climate sceptics
ExxonMobil behind the climate sceptics
Forests as carbon sink
Climate change deniers credit card
Rigs Arctic Café - Shell drilling Arctic oil
G8 & CO2 - climate emissions
Global warming sceptics - door-to-door peddlers
Be cool!
Snow men in the artificial skiing tube
Global warming
After US The Flood!
Après nous le déluge!
Johannesburg Summit 2002
Summer in a winter wonderland
Arctic Fox loves icecaps - Seasons's Greetings
Kyoto protocol, snow and Santa Claus
How to hide climate emissions from forestry
Tar pit fossils - Harper and Obama
Seal the real climate deal!
The day after tomorrow
Donald Trump Rex Tillerson and Paris Agreement
Finnish Minister tries to prove that peat is a renewable biofuel
Tu valu or not Tu valu - that is the question