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Category Archives: Environment
Are EU MEPs Ready to Boost Biodiversity and Farm to Fork Strategies?
When the European Commission announced the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies, exactly one year ago, we estimated that they could be potential game changers for EU nature, food and farming policies.
In the next few weeks, EU lawmakers have a chance to show their strong support for nature and sustainable agriculture, argue Sabien Leemans and […]
Posted in Environment
Tagged agriculture, biodiversity, climate, conservation, endangered species, EU, food, sustainable development
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Stop Fake Green EU Finance Rules
WWF EU: “130 NGOs and experts are sounding the alarm on the EU’s green finance rules, the ‘Taxonomy’, and calling for them to be rooted in science. In a detailed joint statement, the groups flag and analyse ten priority areas of concern in the European Commission’s draft, which covers which sectors can be classed as […]
Posted in Environment
Tagged biodiversity, climate, conservation, energy, forests, fossil fuel, hydro power, politicians, water framework directive
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EU Needs Human & Nature Friendly Farming
What WWF will be looking out for in the EU Biodiversity and Farm to Fork Strategies:
“On 20 May, the European Commission will publish the 2030 EU Biodiversity Strategy and the Farm to Fork Strategy. These two strategies are key components of the European Green Deal, and will set out the main features of the EU’s […]
Posted in Environment
Tagged agriculture, biodiversity, birds, bugs, chemicals, climate, food, water framework directive, wwf
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EU needs to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2030
Healthy planet healthy people
Live drawings for the WWF Fuller Symposium October 22 2019 with Auli helping with data & ideas. Leading health and environment experts discussed the relationship and complexity between human health and environmental systems and what we need to do to create better health opportunities for people and nature.
Michele Barry – Conflict and the Global Threat […]
Posted in Environment
Tagged agriculture, biodiversity, conservation, environmental, forests, health, nature, rivers, wwf fuller
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