Tag Archives: fishes

Älvräddarna – River Savers from Sweden

Älvräddarna – River Saver's AssociationÄlvräddarna is a Swedish nationwide organization that works for environmental adaptation of the necessary hydropower and decommissioning of the unnecessary.

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Help Salmon Find Their Spawning Ground

Salmon and freshwater pearl musselSeveral dams were constructed to this river 70 years ago, and salmon could no longer swim up the river to spawn. Now humans have removed dams and built fish passages.
Salmon can run up again!
Help salmon find their spawning ground!
At the same time you also help freshwater pearl mussels.
Freshwater pearl mussels can live very long, over […]

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Fish Migration from Sea to Source

Happy migratory fish vs damMigratory fish are in trouble
At least half of all the flow in the world’s rivers is manipulated or fragmented, and the wild free flowing rivers are now more threatened than ever. Only 64 of the 177 rivers, longer than 1,000 km, are free-flowing and yet there are plans to build more than 3,500 new large […]

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The Sélune River Will Run Free at Last!

Liberté - Egalité - Dam Removalité!The international conference on dam removal and the restauration of the Sélune river, from 24th to 26 September, 2019 in Brittany and Normandy. (Rennes / Avranches – Mont Saint Michel).
Live drawings during the seminar 24.9.2019:
Claire-Cécile Garnier (Ministère de l’écologie – France) talked about French water legislation & ecological continuity.
Roberto Epple from European Rivers Network – […]

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Easter Bunnies & Salmon Eggs

Easter bunnies like wild rivers“Rivers have always provided fundamental and vital services for mankind and the environment. However, dams disrupt the natural functioning of rivers and can cause a wide-scale decline in fish and other river wildlife. For these reasons, it is necessary to remove these barriers to return rivers to their natural, free-flowing state.”
Dam Removal Europe

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