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Tag Archives: environmental education
World Migratory Bird Day 2020
The theme of World Migratory Bird Day 9th May 2020 is “Birds Connect Our World” and was chosen to highlight the importance of conserving and restoring the ecological connectivity and integrity of ecosystems that support the natural movements of migratory birds and that are essential for their survival and well-being.
Pollinators – Sting in the Tail or Not?
Here’s the answer to the quest.
A female Tree Bumblebee has a stinger in the tail.
Learn more about buzzing bumblebees & other pollinators
A Sting in the Tale – a book by Dave Goulson. This excellent book has been translated into many languages. Here’s a Finnish version: “Kimalaisen kyydissä“.
Dave Goulson’s Youtube Channel:
Posted in Nature
Tagged biology, bugs, environmental education, insects, kids, mimikry, pollinators
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It’s the Bird Week for Kids!
Wetlands are not wastelands
Cartoon for the Ramsar Convention, which organizes the World Wetlands Day 2 February 2013 with the theme “Wetlands and water management”.
Download the cartoon & other material for the World Wetlands Day 2013.
Ramsar WWD 2013 at Facebook
The cartoon and the other material are available also in French and in Spanish
Posted in Blog, Nature
Tagged action, conservation, environmental education, water, wetlands
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Ripped-off by Genetic Engineering Techniques
I fucking love science. It is proper a way to gain knowledge. Real science is open and transparent. You are able to see how it is done and what is behind the numbers. You are also told, who has financed or sponsored the research, and so you can estimate, if there are some vested interests.
The […]
Posted in Blog, Global
Tagged environmental education, genetic engineering, science, technology