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Tag Archives: birds
Forest Biodiversity Programme Metso cartoon
A couple of cartoons for the Forest Biodiversity Programme METSO. The project aims at halting the ongoing loss of forest species and biotopes.
The voluntary-based Metso conservation is a good tool for protecting and restoring forests. But it cannot alone save the forest habitats and species. We need also more protected areas, national parks and better environmental […]
Posted in Blog, Nature
Tagged action, biodiversity, birds, conservation, endangered species, forests, mire, restoration, wetland
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Summer Bird Watch
Summertime is a great season for bird watching. Birdlife Finland organizes a Summer Bird Watch Weekend on 9-10th June. This public event encourages Finns to report, if they see some of the listed ten common bird species during the weekend. Birdlife also asks, if people have heard a cuckoo’s voice this year.
Posted in Blog, Nature
Tagged birds, environmental education, lakes and seas, outdoors
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Reed bed & breakfast
What is tiny, with a mustache and goes: “Ping!”?
Yes, it is a male Bearded Reedling. Formerly this species was known as the Bearded Tit, but it was renamed after discovering that it was unrelated to other tits, in spite of its appearance.
What comes to housing markets, the Bearded Reedling favours only one type of accommodation: […]