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Tag Archives: fish
Freshwater Fish are in Trouble
“With hydropower, overfishing, climate change and pollution on the rise, populations of migratory freshwater fish species have plummeted globally by 76% on average since 1970, including a 93% collapse in Europe.”
93% collapse in migratory freshwater fish populations in Europe – new report
Posted in Nature
Tagged biodiversity, conservation, endangered species, fish, fish migration, freshwater, lakes, restoration, rivers
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EU water law – fit for purpose but threatened by industry lobby!
WWF expects member states to take a strong stand in support of maintaining the Water Framework Directive in its current form at the Meeting of the Environment Council on 5 March.
Stand up to industry, stand by the science: What WWF will be looking for during the 5 March Meeting of the Environment Council
New evidence came […]
Posted in Nature
Tagged birds, bugs, conservation, fish, lakes, mammals, nature, rivers, water framework directive, wetland, wwf
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