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Tag Archives: bugs
Wetlands offer ecosystem services
Wetlands are not wastelands. Happy World Wetland Day 2015!
The cartoon was made for Liminka Bay Ramsar Area exhibition.
Cartoon in Spanish – La caricatura en español:
Posted in Nature
Tagged biodiversity, birds, bugs, conservation, ecosystem services, endangered species, mammals, nature, ramsar, wetland
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Time to talk about birds, bees and flowers
Posted in Blog, Nature
Tagged animals, biodiversity, bugs, conservation, gardening, outdoors, plants
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Plight of the Bumblebee
When you look at a bumblebee doodling around in the meadow, it doesn’t look pretty effective part of the food chain. Actually bumblebees, bees and other pollinators are extremely important both wild plants and cultivated crops. UN is alarmed at huge decline in bee numbers.
“The way humanity manages or mismanages its nature-based assets, including pollinators, […]