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Category Archives: Free Time
A Midsummer Night’s Dream!
Posted in Blog, Environment, Free Time, Global
Tagged freedom, outdoors, sustainable development
Seedlings in the box
Seems like those seedlings are invading my study again. First scouts sneaked into my desk a couple of weeks ago. Cats managed to devour half of them. After the incident the seedlings have entrenched inside of the catproof cage. The cat has to come up with something new…
Big Garden Birdwatch
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and Willow Tit.
Birdlife Britain RSPB has invented excellent event for all nature lovers, it is called Big Garden Birdwatch, and it has been organized regularly since 1979.
Idea is simple. Settle down for a hour, watch and record the highest number of each bird species you see in your garden, or local park (not […]