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Tag Archives: multinationals
Nokia and Microsoft have a new smart CEOsystem
Finnish mobile phone company Nokia dumped open source Linux based Meego and jumped what they call “a new ecosystem”, that is Windows operating system. Good luck Nokia, you’re gonna need it.
Tomi T Ahonen writes: That is the Elop Effect and it will destroy your company in less than a year, guaranteed.
Engadget: Nokia CEO Stephen Elop […]
GM canola escapes into the wild
Genetically modified canola has escaped into the wild. Actually, two varieties of it have – one modified to be resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, and the other to Bayer Crop Science’s Liberty herbicide. Scientists have also found out that these two transgenic verieties have interbred, so a brand new brand of canola has been born […]
Posted in Blog, Environment, Global
Tagged agriculture, chemicals, genetic engineering, multinationals
Enormous leak of brand new PB logos
Shell vs. Ken Saro Wiwa
Nigerian environmental activist and writer Ken Saro Wiwa was executed in November 1995. He was convicted by a military tribunal of the Nigerian military junta. Ken Saro Wiwa helped Ogoni people to organize non-violent protests against the the impact of Shell oil exploration, which was destroying the environment at the Niger Delta.
Today 27th May 2009 […]
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill 20th Anniversary Cartoon
Twenty years ago March 24, 1989, the single-hulled tanker Exxon Valdez hit Prince William Sound’s Bligh Reef in Alaska, spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil into the sea. The spill contaminated about 1900 kilometers of the shoreline and killed hundreds of thousands of birds and mammals and harmed the fisheries of the area.
I made […]